Alex the Lion

This roadha mas was sort of life changing. I've started believing in dragons somewhere during this roadha mas. I have my reasons but I will not bore you with them today. Today I want to share with you something that is just as boring. I want to tell you somethings my little toy Alex said to me.

Alex: hey
me: yes
Alex: I feel funny
me: um ok, may I ask why you are feeling so
Alex: if I knew I would be trying to fix it.
me: ok what do you want from me then?
Alex: I want to know if there are mermaids?
me: you kidding??
Alex:no. I want to know if Ariel is real
me: what if i said she is?
Alex: you would have to prove that she is
me: well i cant do that but i can tell you that there is a possibility
Alex: what good is that?
me: I don't know why you would want to know if there are mermaids...
Alex: can't I quench a curiosity I have. is talking about them taboo??
me: you very well can talk about anything as long as it doesn't offend anyone
Alex: Why would mermaids offend anyone? even if they do, i don't see any reason to why I cant talk about anything I want. If something I talk about offends it's because they don't welcome new ideas.
me: well you could hurt someones feelings
Alex: how is that possible if i talk about mermaids?
me: well a child may believe Ariel is real, by talking about it you might accidentally convince the child that she is not.
Alex: so?
me: damn it... she will lose a something dear to her then, even though it is an idea
Alex: wouldn't I be opening her eyes to reality then?
me: yes, but people want to be happy, even by creating a fabrication of reality.
Alex: I bet she would know if Ariel is real or not eventually, the quicker she learns the better I say.
me: How can I talk to you like this? this is a child we are talking about, would you be so cruel as to shatter her world? how are you even talking?
Alex: beats me....


A fascinating picture this is. But let me tell you what I find so fascinating about this picture. most of the time we tend to do, atleast a bit of research, just to make sure whether what we have heard or read is true, because we dont just trust anything we read or hear anymore. I believe this is due to a myriad of lies we've been fed in countless ways in almost all mediums of media in the past. But we usually do believe what is in front of our eyes. This picture sort of destroys that trust we so comfortably rely on, this picture decieves our eyes or it makes our eyes decieve our brain or merely it makes our brains decieves us, whichever way it is we are not seeing the truth when we look at this picture because there is absolutely no blue in the picture. The blue you see is exactly the same shade of green. Fascinating isn't it? Makes me wonder if everything my eyes see is real.....

Here is also an interesting story from "what the bleep we know?"

Sean Kelleher
Junior Theology

"Every generation has its built-in assumptions:
That the world is flat, or that the world is round
There are hundreds of hidden assumptions, things we take for granted that may or may not be true, and of course in the vast majority of these cases those things aren't true. So, presumably, if history is any guide, much of what we take for granted about the world simply isn't true, but we're locked into these precepts without even knowing it."

"When Columbus sailed to the Americas the natives there didn't see him coming. The reason that the natives didn't see the ships on the horizon was because they had no knowledge or experience that suggested that clipper ships existed. So the shaman starts to realize that he sees ripples out on the ocean, but he sees no ship and he starts to wonder, 'what's causing the effect?' So, every day he goes out and looks and looks and looks, and after a period of time, he's able to see the ships. And once he sees the ships, he goes back and tells everybody else that ships exist out there and because everybody trusted and believe in him, they saw them also."

The idea that we cannot literally see things because we have no knowledge of them seems a little far-fetched. However, this seems to be a rather literal version of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" with a different ending. The natives serve as the people in the cave. They are unaware that there is anything out there beyond what they already know to be real, therefore, they do not see anything other than the ripples on the ocean. But, when the shaman takes time to observe carefully the ripples and what could possibly be making them, he opens his mind and is able to see the ships out on the water. Just like in the "Allegory of the Cave", the man who has become enlightened, the shaman in this case returns to the people in the cave, the native, and he tells them what he has seen to be real. However, unlike in the "Allegory of the Cave", the natives listen to the shaman and accept what he says to be true because they have respect for him and trust what he tells them.

"Is it possible that we're conditioned to our daily lives; so conditioned to the way we create our lives that we buy the idea that we have no control at all? Quantum physics say that what's happening within us will create the word outside of us."

Barber shop

Question: There are only two barbers in a town.The first barbershop is filthy! Hair is everywhere along with dirt and grime. The barber is unkept and his hair is a mess. The second barbershop is immaculate. You could eat your lunch right off the floor. And the barber is so well kept and his hair is neat and trim. so which shop would you go to have your hair cut?...

I went to the doctor last night. I've been having this problem of pooping (loose motion), it sucks by the way. Now this doctor was not the usual doc we have here. His life style is a bit unorthodox to the standards we have here apparently. it is said he burns the tyres of his sports car(drifting probably), he married another young girl leaving his wife and he goes to disco's and stuff.
He was wearing jeans and a shirt on duty last night. I was told i should have chosen another doctor. But why? I believe he is qualified, if you don't think some one like that, is qualified or would be careless in diagnosing, then isn't it better to question the motives of the hospital??
well anyways I liked the doc, he was cool...
what is with people still judging on appearance? why are we hung on mediocre bullshit?

like the other day two girls came with a questionnaire for a survey they were conducting. one of the questions were " who would you vote if there were two political candidates with equal qualifications and were presenting the same ideas... the only difference was gender, one is male and the other female?"
as i see it, if i answered this I automatically become something like a womanizer or some one who discriminates women.. and they didn't take my very honest "I don't know how to choose between them" answer. so I had to choose one... knowing that this questionnaire from some sort of women's rights protection group I chose the woman. I bet that's what they wanted to hear anyway. I don't know about the rest of the world but i would support anyone, be it a woman or a man, who puts forth a better "plan".

I just want to say why not focus on the bigger picture rather then focusing things that don't actually make a difference.... and if you didn't already know'd go the the unkept filthy barber because, since there are only two barbers in the town, the neat one must have his hair cut by the filthy barber.
oh and HAPPY RAMAZAAN to all of you :)....

Some years ago

(I was reading some hilarious exchanges between customer and employee on, when it occured to me that these things often do happen here as well. So I thought I'd share something of the sort that happened some years back)

I was working at the crappiest government office which housed only 5 computers, of which 3 were used to store data. Of the other two; one was on my desk which was inaccessible to all other employees and one remained for the administrative section.
This PC at the admin area was used to mostly type letters; the rest of the work was done manually.

One day while I was at my desk a co-worker (about 22 years, male) called me about some problem with the admin PC, so I went to see what was wrong. He was sitting in front of the monitor eyes wide open as if something terrifying appeared on screen. But it was only an error message asking to press ALT+F2 to continue, so I told him to do that and started walking towards my department when he yelled that it was not working. I thought maybe the PC was stuck or something and asked him to press ALT+F2 again, now I was standing right behind him when he proceeded to press the ALT key , "F" key and 2 on the numeric keypad or numpad.........

This is when I found out almost everyone at the office was not computer literate.

"No one here gets out alive"

we weep as we yearn for freedom
our tears are invisible to they
our cries are inaudible too
our faces are perceived to be rigid
mindless machines of nature
made to be toyed with they imagine
oblivious of our emotions are the creatures
bragging about an infinite wisdom

round and round
struggling in circles
every day my mate and I
are imprisoned for satisfaction
made an ornament of attraction
complete with a cheap mockery of nature
indeed a cruel trick of torture

we need more than a bubble pump
and a daily quota of horrible grub........

Free Will

it's what separates us from animals
its what separates us from angels (don't know whether that is a good thing)
it's what makes us who we are
but today free will is not as free as it seems
our wills are governed, choices are made finite by rules and regulations, also by etiquette

did we choose to limit our choices?
No we did not...
merely we inherited these limiters from our genius ancestors
who thought with too much free will we'd create chaos amongst ourselves
who also thought individuality is dangerous
and right they were to some extent
yet we are now observing some animals whom without free will show social behaviour and live harmoniously among themselves.

so the question is, was these animals the inspiration to limit free will in hope of achieving harmony?
or did they just invent limiters to drive slaves?

isn't it blasphemous to repress a god given gift?
or is free will becoming obsolete?

Somethings that bother me

some foreigner: sir where is (insert name of some street here).....
me: sorry, I don't know
foreigner: OK can you tell me where (insert name of a place here) is...
me: um I don't know where that place is... sorry
foreigner: Tsk Tsk and you live in Male' , what DO you know?
me: apparently nothing...

It bothers me why some people assume somethings:

1 - like almost everyone assumes that you know every detail of a band if you are a fan, and when they learn that you don't, they go "tsk tsk and you call yourself a fan". I'd like to say to these people that I just like the SONGS, I don't care whether they pooped somewhere or not..err of course if its something out of the ordinary/bizarre as pooping in public I'd be interested...

2 - also people assume If your hair is long (you being a male) you are into drugs or you are violent and aggressive.... um this is also stereo typing but an assumption nonetheless.
I am not trying to please you..I'll have it however I want

3 - oh and there are those who assume I am into drugs every time I lose weight.
I may have been trying to lose weight.... and again I am not trying to please you...

4 - Another assumption I hate is that you are not mature if you watch cartoons or play video games.
I like them, and maturity is not doing something because it is what most adults do..

5 - Assuming that sleep during day time is not the same as night.
It is the same if you people just didn't make so much noise, and I have so much more interesting dreams during the's like a whole new channel

6 - Assuming you are not working as hard as other employees if you are spotted outside the office.
I work extra hard to get enough free time to go out....

7- and assuming you'd know every place and also all street names of a place if you live there.
as Sheldon says; by this logic i should know all about human nature/anthropology/ psychology etc.. because I am a human.

8 - assuming this will be an eighth assumption that bothers me..weren't you?

Limited knowledge

starts out as the tiniest seed
nurtured by nature
blooms into a tree
of shape and girth that could not have been contained in something so tiny.
some argue that this is a clear sign of almighty
while others say it is pure happenstance

I say ideas start out as tiny seeds
nurtured enough, with time it grows to become complex beliefs
to the extent hate and fear are mongered and lives are lost to defend those beliefs
while this becomes the norm, new ideas are rejected

may we be nanobots gone rogue,
whos original purpose was to nurture a cell of a bigger form
my idea is, there must be someone who is responsible for us being here
the rest is problematic

history has variations, future is unpredictable...
what is certain is the present, which is today
and today I've no idea to what I just spoke about......


heart ache
loss of sanity
rampant on every occasion
haunted by an elusive emotion
hopelessly drifts and hides away
evasive of a shamans cure
full of detest and fear

vengeance : let us make them suffer a fate worse than this
us : that they do deserve, yes
vengeance : let us not wait, for the moment is now
us: cannot muster enough strength or courage when I am feeling so low
vengeance : cowards we will be if we don't retaliate
us : so be it, cowardice or retaliation wont free us of heartache

voluptuous but confused
oblivious to reactions that followed
gathered and regrouped with those who assisted

pride : feel the liberation!, dead weight held us back
they : we don't feel justified by that reasoning, we have urges to go back
pride : don't be fools, we embark on a new journey here on
they : such wisdom you speak, onwards I shall move on

until learnt to hate
there'd always be heartache
they mark us as things cruel
when it was they who made us this jewel


a working theory of a black cherry
a hypothesis maybe...
or maybe a mere question I carry..

without further ado...
here's what i think is true

preserved fruits taste bitter
discovered a lifetime later
o' how sweet the real cherry tastes
through skin to the stone sweetness lasts
fated to have had the experience once
in pursuit of it's sweetness ever since
rendered wasteful those years
how proudly a smile they wear
pity those smiling unaware
eons later, came across a cherry
as fate has it, it was a red cherry
indeed it is a sad story
the black cherry I was after
clueless to where they are, I ponder
be it whether a blessing or a curse
it can now never be worse
the black cherry here is scarce

long it has been, the taste I can barely remember
as I recall, it was a cold night one December
when all lesser cherries went sour...(sigh!)

Just a dream

did you ever stop.
just stop...
to step outside and see what's inside,
everything in seems to be manmade.

born as an empty vessel,
boarded with dirt.
was I curious for it? or was I fed forcefully?
it's a wonderland outside,
what am I doing here?

sometimes I just float out.
there are times when I have to dig my way.
but everytime, I am dragged back by a strong current,
a current that holds me tight, a current that imprisons me
a current that would never let go, nor can I let go of her fully.

a release would be most welcome.
it is but, a dream..
developed roots through eons are hard to dig out.
it has a hold on the world like a pitchers grasp on a ball.
a weak lever breaks trying to pry the world free,
a union of strong levers is what we need

it is but, just a dream
woken out by forces unknown,
and thrown in by reasons that will never be my own.
through weaves elaborately woven
I shall swim through to your haven

Another day

On knees and elbows she prays...
A deity she calls for, while i play
Behind her stiff as a feather i stay
Together in time we sway
all the while trying to keep thoughts at bay
On knees and elbows she prays...
A deity she calls for while i play
Trying to cleanse the noise in a way
Whisper, stifle her screeches she may
Tranquility, i find is like the colour gray
Dull, blunt and a bore i say
As loud as i permit, she may holler away
On knees and elbows she prays...
A deity she calls for, while i play
As an obedient child with claws she did obey
Blood dripping along lines of five, as she tries to flay
Yes, not on knees and elbows she went astray
The deity she calls for she did betray
Calls out for me and i tell her its okay
and agree to play another day.....


delicious and bitter though
it melts on touch and roars
feel as though through the seas we soar
she says " halt! my wings are sore"
"a while more", i plead, "don't be a bore"
limpid fluid i find at its core
delicious and bitter though
melts on touch and roars
feel as though a boat not with oars
through seas rough it rows
i tire myself to the core
try to go further for
she has yet to reach the shore
till then i am with her i let her know
till then i close my eyes as before
savour every moment more...
what had to happen i could not allow
for later regret i will, i know
this in two crystal balls i saw
but the delicious bitternes i shall follow