Limited knowledge

starts out as the tiniest seed
nurtured by nature
blooms into a tree
of shape and girth that could not have been contained in something so tiny.
some argue that this is a clear sign of almighty
while others say it is pure happenstance

I say ideas start out as tiny seeds
nurtured enough, with time it grows to become complex beliefs
to the extent hate and fear are mongered and lives are lost to defend those beliefs
while this becomes the norm, new ideas are rejected

may we be nanobots gone rogue,
whos original purpose was to nurture a cell of a bigger form
my idea is, there must be someone who is responsible for us being here
the rest is problematic

history has variations, future is unpredictable...
what is certain is the present, which is today
and today I've no idea to what I just spoke about......

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