Somethings that bother me

some foreigner: sir where is (insert name of some street here).....
me: sorry, I don't know
foreigner: OK can you tell me where (insert name of a place here) is...
me: um I don't know where that place is... sorry
foreigner: Tsk Tsk and you live in Male' , what DO you know?
me: apparently nothing...

It bothers me why some people assume somethings:

1 - like almost everyone assumes that you know every detail of a band if you are a fan, and when they learn that you don't, they go "tsk tsk and you call yourself a fan". I'd like to say to these people that I just like the SONGS, I don't care whether they pooped somewhere or not..err of course if its something out of the ordinary/bizarre as pooping in public I'd be interested...

2 - also people assume If your hair is long (you being a male) you are into drugs or you are violent and aggressive.... um this is also stereo typing but an assumption nonetheless.
I am not trying to please you..I'll have it however I want

3 - oh and there are those who assume I am into drugs every time I lose weight.
I may have been trying to lose weight.... and again I am not trying to please you...

4 - Another assumption I hate is that you are not mature if you watch cartoons or play video games.
I like them, and maturity is not doing something because it is what most adults do..

5 - Assuming that sleep during day time is not the same as night.
It is the same if you people just didn't make so much noise, and I have so much more interesting dreams during the's like a whole new channel

6 - Assuming you are not working as hard as other employees if you are spotted outside the office.
I work extra hard to get enough free time to go out....

7- and assuming you'd know every place and also all street names of a place if you live there.
as Sheldon says; by this logic i should know all about human nature/anthropology/ psychology etc.. because I am a human.

8 - assuming this will be an eighth assumption that bothers me..weren't you?

1 comment:

  1. heehee I agree specially about the music/fan thingy. :)
