Another day

On knees and elbows she prays...
A deity she calls for, while i play
Behind her stiff as a feather i stay
Together in time we sway
all the while trying to keep thoughts at bay
On knees and elbows she prays...
A deity she calls for while i play
Trying to cleanse the noise in a way
Whisper, stifle her screeches she may
Tranquility, i find is like the colour gray
Dull, blunt and a bore i say
As loud as i permit, she may holler away
On knees and elbows she prays...
A deity she calls for, while i play
As an obedient child with claws she did obey
Blood dripping along lines of five, as she tries to flay
Yes, not on knees and elbows she went astray
The deity she calls for she did betray
Calls out for me and i tell her its okay
and agree to play another day.....