Alex the Lion

This roadha mas was sort of life changing. I've started believing in dragons somewhere during this roadha mas. I have my reasons but I will not bore you with them today. Today I want to share with you something that is just as boring. I want to tell you somethings my little toy Alex said to me.

Alex: hey
me: yes
Alex: I feel funny
me: um ok, may I ask why you are feeling so
Alex: if I knew I would be trying to fix it.
me: ok what do you want from me then?
Alex: I want to know if there are mermaids?
me: you kidding??
Alex:no. I want to know if Ariel is real
me: what if i said she is?
Alex: you would have to prove that she is
me: well i cant do that but i can tell you that there is a possibility
Alex: what good is that?
me: I don't know why you would want to know if there are mermaids...
Alex: can't I quench a curiosity I have. is talking about them taboo??
me: you very well can talk about anything as long as it doesn't offend anyone
Alex: Why would mermaids offend anyone? even if they do, i don't see any reason to why I cant talk about anything I want. If something I talk about offends it's because they don't welcome new ideas.
me: well you could hurt someones feelings
Alex: how is that possible if i talk about mermaids?
me: well a child may believe Ariel is real, by talking about it you might accidentally convince the child that she is not.
Alex: so?
me: damn it... she will lose a something dear to her then, even though it is an idea
Alex: wouldn't I be opening her eyes to reality then?
me: yes, but people want to be happy, even by creating a fabrication of reality.
Alex: I bet she would know if Ariel is real or not eventually, the quicker she learns the better I say.
me: How can I talk to you like this? this is a child we are talking about, would you be so cruel as to shatter her world? how are you even talking?
Alex: beats me....


  1. very subtle, trippy and interesting questions beneath the lines.

    i love this post ^^

    (ignoring the fact that you still have a stuffed lion :P)

  2. bluebooze: it is not a stuffed lion, It is a very solid little plastic lion.. like the ones they give away with happy meals at Mcdonalds, in fact I think it is one of those.... anyway glad you liked it :)

  3. shadow runner: drive man, driiive!!!

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